An overview of the MERN Stack and why it is a robust choice for building full-stack applications
Importance of knowing front-end as well as the back-end technologies to be a comprehensive developer
- The Basics Knowledge
HTML & CSS: Structuring the web page, layout, CSS Flexbox, Grid, Responsive Design
JavaScript Essentials:
ES6+ features: Arrow functions, promises, async/await, destructuring.
DOM manipulation and event handling.
- The Basics Knowledge
- Dominance in Front-End Development with React
Components with Props, State, and Event Handling.
Advanced Topics using React:
React Lifecycle Methods : Understanding componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount etc.
React Hooks :useState, useEffect, useContext, custom hooks
Context API for state management
Routing: SPAs setup with React Router.
Styling Solutions
CSS-in-JS: The styled components
CSS Frameworks : Tailwind CSS and Material-UI
CSS Preprocessors: SASS and LESS.
- Dominance in Front-End Development with React
- Redux – State Management
Basics of Redux: Understanding store, actions, reducers, and dispatch.
Advanced Redux: Middleware – Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, and connecting it to a React application.
Context vs Redux: When to use Context API and when to choose Redux.
- Redux – State Management
- Back-End Development (Node.js & Express)
Node.js Basics: Setting up a Node server, handling requests and responses.
Express Framework: Routing, middleware functions, and error handling.
API Development: Creating RESTful APIs, understanding CRUD operations.
Advanced Topics:
Building GraphQL APIs.
Handling file uploads and downloads.
- Back-End Development (Node.js & Express)
- Database (MongoDB)
MongoDB Concepts: Collections, documents, and BSON format.
Schema Design: Modeling data using Mongoose.
CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete operations.
Advanced MongoDB: Aggregation, indexing, and replication.
- Database (MongoDB)
- Working with APIs
API Integration: Using axios or fetch in React to invoke an API
Error Handling & Data Fetching: async operation and how to handle API errors
Auth & Authorization: JWT-based authentication and token handling
- Working with APIs
- Networking Basics
HTTP/HTTPS Protocol: Status codes, headers, and methods.
CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and handling CORS issues.
Network Security: Basic understanding of SSL, TLS, and securing APIs.
- Networking Basics
- Supplementary Topics & Tools
Version Control (Git & GitHub): Basic Git commands, branching, merging, pull requests
Debugging & Testing: Use of browser dev tools, unit testing with Jest or Mocha
Deployment: Deploying apps to Heroku, Netlify, Vercel
CI/CD Pipelines: Creating CI/CD setup for testing and automated deployments
- Supplementary Topics & Tools
- Advanced Front-End Topics
Performance Optimization: Lazy loading, memoization, code splitting
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Offline-capable web apps.
Server-side Rendering (SSR): Utilize Next.js for better SEO and faster loading.
- Advanced Front-End Topics
- Demonstrate Your Skill
Project Suggestions:
Full-fledged E-commerce site.
Real-time chat application with
Portfolio website with custom animations.
Social media platform with authentication and post-sharing.
1. MERN stack developer roadmap
2. Full-stack web developer roadmap
3. How to become a MERN stack developer
4. MERN stack learning path
5. Full-stack development with MERN
1. React and Redux tutorial
2. MongoDB for beginners
3. Learn Node.js and Express
4. CSS frameworks for web development
5. Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap
6. Understanding REST APIs
7. Full-stack projects for practice
8. Building web apps with React
9. Deploying MERN applications
10. Best resources to learn MERN stack
1. How to master front-end and back-end development with the MERN stack
2. Best practices for building full-stack web applications
3. Complete MERN stack tutorial for beginners to advanced
4. Tips for creating MERN stack projects to showcase skills
5. How to become a proficient MERN stack developer in 2024
1. Full-stack development tutorial
2. JavaScript frameworks comparison
3. MERN stack vs MEAN stack
4. Modern web development with JavaScript
5. Guide to becoming a full-stack JavaScript developer
1. Web development for freshers and beginners
2. Full-stack development roadmap for college students
3. Web development skills for job seekers
4. Start a career in web development with the MERN stack
5. Roadmap to become a web developer for freshers
In Which Technology Java or MERN